Thursday, September 11, 2008

Singing in the Grocery Store...Again

On Tuesday we had to go to the grocery store. Josiah really likes going to the store because he gets a cookie, so he was excited. We made a quick trip through the produce aise where all the fruit was way too expensive. Then we went back to the cookies, but they were gone! Josiah was good sport about it, though.

We headed back to get lunch meat and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the meat I like the most was marked down, a lot! I told Josiah that this meat being so much on sale was a blessing from God.

He smiled and began to sing "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" at the top of his lungs! This time I let him! I'm excited to see those connections happening with him. I sometimes wish that they could happen at a slightly less vibrant volume, but I'd rather have them happen loudly than not happen at all! :-)


Dani said...

I'm sure that with a loud singer like Gary, that Britt will be like Josiah singing at the top of his lungs where ever the song happens to come to him at. Too cute.

Kelly Spezzano said...

I will never forget what you shared about the first time Josiah did this and the kind encouragement from the "little old lady"... as I said in the last post, I think Josiah's zeal for the Lord and the songs of Zion are so refreshing and I pray that our children will learn from our example to love the Lord with all their might! Even if it means at the top of their lungs in the grocery store!

Thanks for sharing these precious memories!

Kelly Spezzano said...

Lisa- Your "Brother Other Father" has requested that you enable the annonymous function on your blog so that he can comment to your posts! :) He is Borrowed Dad and Borrowed Poppa afterall, and you can't deprive him of commenting to all his borrowed children and grandchildren! (ha ha).

If you don't know how to enable this feature, just follow these instructions. Go to your settings tab and you will see several sub-tabs underneath (the fourth one should be "comments"). When you click on comments, the second section on the page is "who can comment" select "anyone" which includes annonymous readers (this is for people who don't have a blog or a google account- like my dad).

Hope all is well!

Kathy U said...

That just shows that Josiah has some good teacher!!!!
Sis Kathy

Kathy U said...

Refer to previous post. Maybe Sis Kathy needs to be taught how to write. he he
sis kathy

Lisa said...

I think I've enabled annonymous posts. I'd love to hear from your dad! I miss him! He needs a blog of his own.